What does TDU means? | What It Provides?
TDU Refers to The daily updates .TDU itself describes what does it provides , it provides its visitors the daily updates , all news related to Sports, Entertainment, Food, Travel, Business etc. All important news at one place , we always try to give you the updates at time . We give you the news of all over India, what is happening in the World. Once should know about the news whats going on , but in this busy schedule we don’t have time to read newspaper , don’t worry we TDU (The Daily Updates ) are here do give you the full knowledge. You can read here all latest news at any time in your Mobile Phones through our Website thedailyupdates.in .

- Bad news travels at the speed of light; good news travels like molasses. The idea of redemption is always good news, even if it means sacrifice or some difficult times. Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshipped and fondled like a priceless diamond.
- “I Think There Needs to be a Change of Consciosness with the News to try to seek a higher ground . Why can’t it be a more reprensentative of the way the world really is?”